Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Save the date for Spring Concert!

Our annual Spring Concert will be on Thursday, May 3, 2018. This is for 6th-8th grade bands and is a required performance. The concert will begin at 7:00pm in the high school cafeteria. Students are to wear nice, dressy clothes for this final concert of the year. Awards will also be presented at this time.

The 5th Grade Band will perform the same night as the High School Band, on Monday, May 14th. That concert will begin at 6:00pm in the BHS Cafeteria.

Students are only required to attend the night of their own concert, but they are expected to stay for the entire duration of the concert. All performances are test grades. The concerts are free and open to the public. If you have any questions or need more information, contact a band director.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Fiesta TX Band info posted

A letter was sent home last week with the 7th and 8th grade band about our upcoming trip to Fiesta TX  that will be on Friday,  April 27. The first payment and form are due no later than April 13th. Please visit the 7th-8th grade band web page for more information. If you have any questions, contact Mrs. Conard.